My first web page using MS word 2003

This is also my first article :P

I'd like to start off by introducing myself. My name is Angelica Del Cielo. I enjoy messing with computers of all ages, shapes, and sizes. There is no computer too old or too knew that I'd ever be afraid to tinker with. There is nothing that intrigues me more than hardware and software that has long been considered obsolete and forgotten. I revive machines that have been stored away in closets thought to have been impossible to find any use of. Discarded and left to the elements. I have many machines that I enjoy to mess with on a daily basis. It's the only way I know how to unleash my creativity. If someone wants to hand me more machines to mess with I won't say no. I just wish I put this much effort into cleaning my room. It's kind of messy right now especially. It doesn't help that my sleep schedule is so awful.

What's more important for you as a reader is for me to tell you about some of the things I have in the pipe line. Some of you might have found me through YouTube and if that's the case I want to say thank you for following along in this journey. I recently uploaded a video of my messing with Elementary OS on a Toshiba laptop. On that video I discussed about some of the problems that I have found in Elementary OS. This is going to be a spoil alert as of right now but it won't be if you came here after watching the new video. I removed Elementary OS from that laptop and I loaded Lubuntu on it. I actually like it a lot and decided to also use it on my main rig.

I have recently received another computer for the channel. I'm really excited about it because I think it will allow me to squeeze a decent amount of content out of it. Honestly since I've just started I think it's understandable that I don't have a lot have things appropriately planned out. I'm kind of a mess right now. It's good that I'm acknowledging that at least. It would be a lot worse if I was here assuming that everything that is going on in my life is good. It's honestly a bit of a shit show. I can't control every aspect of my life but I'm currently trying to take control of what ever I have the power to. At some point that may mean I have to ditch the people that I care most about. I have to leave the person who is responsible for my existence. I also have to leave my sister. Even though they've tried to help my as much as they could they could not see how they have also been doing things to completely sabotage me. They haven't even tried to look at themselves and realize how much harm they have caused that could have been prevented. I'm done letting their actions be my consequences. It's time that I stand up for myself and be the person I've always wanted to be.

Anyway I just want who ever is reading this to know that they're awesome and shouldn't let anyone take their power away from them. You can take that how ever you want but just remember to come back to your center and reflect on your choices. Make sure you're doing what's best for you and don't worry about those around you.

Edit: MS word 2003 uses a bunch of code that isn't even used in modern browsers anymore. This is a reminder to not use old software as much as I really enjoy it. MS word uses the 4.1 standard and uses tags that have been removed in HTML 5 and I imagine it contains some things that aren't used in HTML 1.0 either. It seems this old version of KompZer for windows is doing a better job even running in wine.

Edit part 2: This page is actually so messed up I'm editing it from the source instead of using the GUI. Don't use HTML editors anymore. This would have been so much easier in notepad and I'm seeing that now. I don't even know what worse at this point. MS 2003 definitely messed this up from the start but I'm noticing that every editor will creates a bunch of tags when ever you try to make any changes and it actually messed up the formating pretty bad. Also WTF KompoZer doesn't even have spell checking. I'm so done with this.

Edit Part 3 (2/23/2022): I might delete this whole page. It's not really an article of any kind now that I reflect on it. The most I can call thiss is an "About Me" but it doesn't even do a good job at that. I'm going to keep working on this to make this a website worth calling my own. I've already had to make so many edits to this due to MSword and Komposer putting in weird stuff into the HTML that I have given up wanting to update it.

Edit Part 4 (12/29/2022) It's nearly a year later and I'm still fixing things up on this

Microsoft word 2003 wrote so much arbitrary code onto this. There's a reason why people don't use normal word editors to write their websites anymore.